Monday, March 8, 2010

Thanks, and still to come

Thanks to everyone who came to Winkleman on Sunday. It was a very informative talk. It confirmed a lot of things about the art world that I had suspected. There has been talk of doing a follow up meeting in Philadelphia on the same topics. Stay tuned!


  1. Wish I could’ve stayed longer, but I was in art-schlep mode. Too bad they didn’t record the Ustream, would have loved to hear the two hours I missed. Jen and William are awesome, in case you haven’t figured that out :)

    Re: followup meetings - our space is no bigger than yours, so maybe scout out a larger space? Happy to host at our space if it’s toward the summer, when Andi has off & easier to manage.

  2. Glad you made it Colin,

    Jen and William are awesome, that point came across loud and clear. I really enjoyed the talk. Hard to pinpoint something that I can say that I learned. However more importantly, I feel stimulated and crazy enough a little hopefull. I think thats your optimism corrupting me :)

    I was thinking given the lack of room at both of our spaces that maybe we contact someone at Little Berlin? They had mentioned wanting to do a followup to the works on paper talk they had last weekend. If you're cool with that, I can do a bit of the organizing. I was thinking sometime in late April? Is that an acceptable time frame?

  3. Yeah I thought of Little Berlin too - it kinda fits how their mission seems to be shaping up.

    Run with it! Talk to me if you want me to pick up the ball on anything - though the run up to April’s going to largely be occupied with getting ready for our Brooklyn On Paper show, I’m happy to do what I can, & will participate in the discussion. Can set up Ustream / social media stuff etc too, I do a bunch of that kind of stuff for my day job.
