Saturday, February 20, 2010


Or, what does the recently instituted blind nomination process for Pew mean?...for emerging artists, non-profits, nominators, potential nominators, commercial galleries, mid-career artists? academics? curators? the Pew program itself? Who wins, who loses?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Filly Art Peeps,

    We suggest you watch one of the events that are streamed before you go. Check them out here.

    Usually they are from 5-8 except on weekends where the times vary. They have a calendar too.

    Since there are people coming together that are from groups that might not already know each other, it's a good time to join forces and DO sumptin in additions to talking.

    • Make lists of the problems.
    • Make a petition up, right there, to send to the mayor's czar, or the Peeew peeps, or the director of the Pee M Ehh and say you want a seat at the table, a meeting to start with. That you will have a representative come with ideas formed by "the artists" of fillytown.
    • Talk into the camera, right into it and make a final or opening statement. We feel no one has used the camera as a tool yet, like an artist would. Stand on a chair and look that cyclops in the eye and say sumptin, anythang. How about some art thang? A reading?
    • You are kinda representing all of filytown, whether that's the intention or not, that's how the world will see this. So think about thingz that effect the entire community. Of course your personal concerns will most likely match the border concerns anyways.

    Anyway that's out 2 cent. This is a great chance to get together and look at fillytown from a different perspective. We will be there is spirt, since we are ghosts that's all we can doo. We luvvvvvvvvv it when artists work together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H+H

    This is your time and we think that whatever YOU want to talk about ARE the most important topics.
